English Talks by month

January February March April May June July August September October November December
4 No Favorites June 4, 1995
7 Avoiding plastic June 7, 1982
8 A second stone age June 8, 1980
9 Curing with a purpose June 9, 1980
10 “Who is the other?” June 10, 1997
11 Shouldering Sahaja Yoga June 11, 1989
12 The reason for rationality June 12, 1978
13 Value through testing June 13, 1980
14 Tending to the Self June 14, 1982
18 Expanding the awareness June 18, 1988
20 Divine Love June 20, 1989
21 No need for fear or malice June 21, 1992
24 A loving temperament June 24, 2007
25 Queen Victoria June 25, 1995
27 Self Knowledge June 27, 1999
28 Antecedents to Sahaja Yoga June 28, 1996
29 The law of Divine Love June 29, 1980
30 No place for cowards June 30, 1980