“You have to work it out”

May 23, 1983

So this is what it is: that we have to ask for reality – the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost. This is the reflection of the Holy Ghost within us, and that we have to feel on top of our head, and then in our fingers it should flow. Then we should say that the Spirit has come into our attention, into our central nervous system because we are feeling it now. That’s how we have to believe in it.

But that’s not sufficient. That’s not the end of it, as you know, so many of you: you have to work it out. Now why this working is needed? Because there are lots of impurities. Not to feel guilty about it – whatever has happened has happened – but there are impurities. This is your rebirth. When the bird comes out of the egg, the little bit of egg is still sticking on to him so he has to clean that bit off. And then you become a different personality altogether. Then the reality can be understood because you are that which can see the reality: you have become the Spirit.

Without becoming the Spirit you cannot see the reality. You cannot understand the reality. Before that, as I said, it is your own mental projection, it’s your own hallucination, imagination. The entire concept is a myth.

You will discover that very soon when you become that. But what’s the harm in becoming that? Because for that you have been seeking. And that is what one should understand that, “I have to become. I have to become that special being. I have to be the Spirit. I have to be the instrument of that Divine Power. I have to understand all the working of that Divine Power. I have to purify myself. I have to cleanse myself through that Divine Power.”