Universal art emits vibrations

August 1, 1993

The second center that we have is called as Svadhisthana [which gives] this creativity. I see now in Russia a lot of artists, painters, sculptors, and they produce beautiful paintings out of their own creativity. But those paintings or those art works may not be of universal nature. Whatever is done by Germans may not be liked by Italians, whatever is done by Italians may not be liked by Russians. But whatever art is existing today after so many years, is the art created by the realized souls. So, say, Mona Lisa, which you know of, everybody appreciates, because it has vibrations. If you go to Sistine Chapel you will find there a very beautiful Kundalini and Christ standing there beautifully and the whole thing is just absolutely fantastic. Because Michelangelo did it, he was a realized soul. But he suffered a lot. People didn’t understand him. Here you have 26 paintings of Rembrandt and from all over the world people come to see him. That’s how we have also very great musicians like Mozart. Like Strauss, he had written a very beautiful thing ‘Good bye, Petersburg’. So all these musicians were realized souls. Thus there were also great writers in your country. So many of them have written beautiful books that you can make out. In Russia we had lots of people who wrote such spiritual books where they showed the introspection of the different characters.