The work that remains

April 25, 1999

That’s the only hope we have, that Sahaja Yogis are resurrected. Only thing I know is that, if we have so many Sahaja Yogis, this world will change. This world has to change. But your progress should go on, you should progress more and more, not you should not regress back. For small things here and there, don’t worry! You have a very great responsibility, and that responsibility is to transform the human beings. That’s your duty. How many have you transformed? How many have you changed? It’s all right for men or women. You have to change people, this is your job and this is the power you have got from Christ, that you have to change them, transform them into the new world of happiness and joy which we call it as the Sahaj Nirmal Dharma.

If it works out, if it really works out, think of the world, how beautiful it will become for us! It’s the duty of every Sahaja Yogi to go into this kind of a new venture and try to find out how many people he can convert and how many people he can bring round. I hope next time we’ll have doubled the number of people that are here from all these eight countries who are hosting now. All My love to you all.

Great days are waiting us. We have to now understand only our responsibility. Main thing is how many people we have converted, how many people we have resurrected. That is the record, not what, how many Pujas you have attended and all that. It’s not so important. Pujas are just to give you strength and to give you power, but they are not your work. That’s not your work. For your work, you can take from Pujas all the strength that you need. But if you don’t use this power, then what’s the use? So now, I leave it to you to remember that you are resurrected and you have to resurrect others. It’s a very, very important job at this time of complete turmoil and destruction.