The timing of Sahaja Yoga

October 3, 1994

Supposing, I had started Sahaja Yoga even hundred years back, I would not have even one single disciple, one single Sahaja Yogi. The reason was, the people were all right, they were on value system, all right. Their life was very much satisfying, they were very peaceful. They were just interested in some horses or something like that. But now, you find people are so much disturbed, so much in trouble, so much in chaos this in Kali Yuga, it’s the height of Kali Yuga now. So much of immorality, so much of dissatisfaction in life that they have to now think where to go. Like a shock the future is waiting for them and now what should they achieve. So, the whole this Bhranti, illusion of life starts staring at them, and then they start thinking ”What is this, what am I doing, what have I done, why is it so? Why everything in a chaos, why is it happening?”

Then the seeking starts and with their seeking now, you know what has happened, that you all have got your realization. Without the seeking it would not have been even possible for me to talk to you at all about Sahaja Yoga. It is because you are seekers I can talk to you.