Today was a very great day for all of you to jump in the river and enjoy yourselves very much. I remember the past of such days which I have also enjoyed before. But one must know that it’s not the outside that really gives you pleasure; it’s the inside. Whether there is outside or not, inside should be so elated. You can use this as a memory for yourself, whenever you feel dejected or depressed, and should try to maintain that moment of joy and happiness within yourself. I hope you were in the present at that time, so that it is completely recorded in your memory and that you will enjoy all that.
The sign of a good Sahaja yogi is that he has no complaints. He doesn’t give ideas, suggestions, and object to what Mother says and give new dimensions to it, doesn’t argue and thirdly, he’s always enjoying. If you are not enjoying, still your eyes are moving one side, brain on another side, your ears in the third direction, then you are not integrated. You are not yet a proper Sahaja yogi. So you have to be a very proper, sensible Sahaja yogi. In your ascent you will discover all these things. So try to be more in the center, in the present, and then only this will become a prominent feature within your heart. And on that will be seated your Spirit shining all the time. But the seat of the Spirit all the time wobbly and is not there; so Spirit does not know how to emit light in your life.
Now what I find is that our attention goes to all kinds of various activities, which we should see like the sea that was flowing. There was lots of stones there. And one can learn a lesson from that, that when the stones are there it makes a ripple, a sound, a reflection back, and the water is obstructed. In the same way, if we have stones in our head, then the flow of Kundalini get obstructed and then we get all kinds of, you see, reflections and we reflect back and then we try to give some suggestions or things, all that. We don’t allow the flow to go straight forward in a very smooth manner. So also it is very interesting and it makes a, you feel more interested because it helps the ego to grow more. But one has to learn that that’s not the temperament of a Sahaja yogi.