The style of Hanumana

December 7, 1981

So we have to give up our misidentifications with our previous styles of life, previous type of living, previous type of executing any work and we have to understand that we are not to plan. This house is built for Me. I’m the power behind the whole universe, so you don’t have to plan, you just start off. But once you start planning then you depend on yourselves, which is a very limited thing. You just start planning and you are left behind. Just get to it. When you start thinking of any problems and all that, then you are lagging behind. Just start off and everything will come forward, you’ll find everything it will all be there just before you, before your eyes.

Like the other day they said we don’t find a wood we need very much of a particular thickness. And they were trying to sort of reduce the thickness by rubbing it with some very, very harsh type of noisy stuff, which nobody could bear. So, I just said, “What, what kind of a thing you want? See ahead of you.” And just in front of them was lying that same type of wood that they wanted. Just ahead of them. It was just there. You see how it’s happening? What’s working out? It’s the Hanumana who works out many things for you. It is the Gauri who is to be adored. And it’s the duty of Hanumana to help you out. He plays tricks with you. Always, you see he is the one who makes you think, he makes you plan, he makes you everything and then topples you down. You see, that is his style, always. And he has made mischief with so many people like that. You see, he made them think, plan, plan, plan, plan and ultimately they find all plans fail.