Now this happening is called as Yoga, but Yoga also has another meaning, ‘Yoga Kaushalyum’ [skill]. ‘Yukti’ what the word ‘yukti’ comes from that Yoga, means, with deftness how to handle this instrument. It is not sufficient for anyone to [only] get an instrument. Supposing you are given a car, and the machinery is opened up, still if you don’t know how to drive the car, you cannot drive it and it is useless for you. And if you try to do anything, you may spoil the car. Before starting the car, if you start turning the parts like the tyres or the wheels, the car won’t move. In the same way, without having the Yoga if you try to do anything in the name of God, you are doing it artificially. So the ‘yukti’, the Kaushalyum to handle this instrument, is also to be learned. So the first part, this is the Yoga, is the sprouting of the Kundalini, the awakening of it, and breaking of the Sahastrara, I should say is the job of a Sahaj Yogi or your Divine Mother, but afterwards to learn, the ‘yukti’, the Kaushalyum, the ‘kushalta’ (the knack), the deftness, how to develop this awareness, into that stillness, and this awareness into that higher awareness which you call vibratory awareness. How to station it there is the job of an awakened soul.
So we have two different functions to do, first is to awaken the Kundalini. That I know sometimes can be difficult, can be easy depending on the sadhaka, on the seeker, but the other part of it becomes much easier for a person who is awakened, if he has real bhakti for himself, real understanding that he is a person of some value. He has come on this earth, not to just waste his precious human life and fritter it away, but for a very, very special purpose. All such people will dedicate themselves completely to master the art of Yoga.