[T]o make this Kundalini, which thinks, which understands, is the individual mother of an individual which has been born with you all the time, who knows all about you and who loves you most and She is the one who is going to give you the realization, your second birth. She is your mother. This kind of a Kundalini that exists within us must be the most difficult person to rise. Has to be. That is why people say, Kundalini raising is very difficult.
So one has to find the methods of how to make the bull rise. Because this Kundalini is “absolute Dharma” — righteousness, absolute purity, ideal-most personality that you could think of, which does not tolerate any nonsense.
She is Nirmala you can call Her. She is Purity personified. She does not accept any nonsense, no compromise She is within you. See how beautiful you are. She is not afraid of anyone, cannot be enticed, enchanted or tempted by anything. She Loves but Her Love is that pure that nothing is higher for Her than her own love. She cannot reconcile to anything. And she is the one who is going to give you your self-realization.