So this is the one complication we have and this is the complication comes because the Atma, the Spirit, is enveloped by our attention into the matter; because the matter has risen, our attention has come from outward, and it has risen up to a point where there is a knot by which we cannot see the Spirit but we see the matter.
This knot, I mean there’s a big controversy about names. I would not like you to confuse it but we can say like that, this knot is the knot which is the knot between the Spirit and the matter which is called as jad-prakruti (जड प्रकृति) in the Sanskrit language. This is the first knot which is a very difficult knot. We think, “This jug is mine.” And we think, “This chair is mine.” Even if somebody offers you a chair, “Come along sit here!” and the another person is sitting little bit lower, she’ll say, “Oh, she has given her a chair which is higher!” All kinds of complications human beings have! You know, it’s very delicate they are. They are so foolishly, sometimes, identified with things, like supposing a person…if you go more and more in the politics now, there’s a prime minister and he thinks that someone is sitting on a chair, and he thinks that somebody is going to occupy that chair, then all kinds of funny things start in his mind and all kinds of complications start. And he thinks that he’ll be dislodged from that chair by which he’s been a prime minister, so he starts working out his own plans and things.