[S]upposing you start developing an art in your hand from your very childhood, then you develop the deftness of that particular art, because a kind of a myelin sheath grows on the nerves. In the same way, when you are realised, I would say when you are a newly born person, if you start respecting your attention then gradually you develop a deftness for Sahaja Yoga. But so many people, when they get realised, they hardly come a second time. Even if they come a second time, they do not develop the feeling of vibrations more, they still go on being busy with their day-to-day work, wasting their attention on things which do not give you the subtler feeling. So the subtleness, the deftness of the art of Sahaja does not develop itself.
For example, I would say a person who is over-read, as soon as he gets his realisation he starts tallying it with what he has read, this makes his attention again wasted. As it is, his attention has been fixed by these conventional ideas; some of them are correct, some are incorrect, some are absolutely faulty, some are useless. Some are only because they wanted to make money, they have published some trash.
As soon as you get realisation, you go back to your own gross awareness and start tallying this subtle with the gross, so you start again losing your vibrations. Actually after getting realisation I have seen, with small children, they sleep for very long hours. They become little inactive for some time. But if an elder gets it he will immediately go to the book store, buy one book on Kundalini and start reading about it.
Then some of you, not understanding that you have become somebody else, take it for granted, “Alright, Mataji has been very kind; She says I am far, but how am I to believe?” As if by believing it they are going to give some money to Me or I don’t know what they are going to give. “I can see the vibrations coming, but what’s the use of getting the vibrations? Why did She give us vibrations?” Again we come back to the gross idea of utility, because that’s human nature, has been so far, to make everything into utility. Everything must be utilised, you see. Man thinks no end of himself. So he starts putting his realisation into utility. “What utility does it have? How many people are going to get it? What is going to happen? What is the ratio? What is the schedule? What is this? What is that?”
You have been given this subtleness to enjoy. Like, if we enjoy the beauty of flower, we just enjoy. Do we go to the books and find out: “What we should do about with this enjoyment of ours? How to enjoy this flower?” And then, “what to do?” And, “Who has described about the flowers, so let us see if this is fitting into that?” But this is done very commonly and I really don’t know what to say, because it’s such a foolish thing.