The freedom to be complicated

March 26, 1978

All kinds of imbalances in a human being are possible. Not so much in the eggs, surprising. Perhaps, because you have the freedom to develop the imbalances. You have the freedom to be crooked. You have the freedom to be complicated. You have the freedom to ruin yourself, spoil yourself and finish off. You can do it, not animals. Human beings can only do it. And this freedom is such a blessing and such a great promise that even God cannot take it out of you. Any other freedom that you seek, any other freedom, when you ask for wisdom, then this can happen to you.

If you do not seek and if you do not ask, it’s not going to happen. You will only ask when you are wise otherwise you will not. Your mind will be going to materialism, it will be going to some politics, it will be going to something else, to something very unimportant. But with wisdom you feel that you have to be reborn that’s the main thing, after all, that’s what you want to get it. You have to get to that part. When this wisdom comes to you, it just happens. Then you ask for it and that is why it is said that “you have to ask for it.”

The wisdom is not going to fall at your feet and say: “Oh, you be wise for heaven sake!”