The end of diffidence

May 6, 1990

Now don’t have diffidence. First of all, you should not think that “We are very ordinary people. We are very ordinary. We haven’t got something special about it.” This work isn’t going to be done by special people because they are suffering from ego. It is going to be done by people who don’t have that ego of great success or of great achievements or riches or anything. If they are rid of this, then only they can work it out. And that’s why it is for you to understand what Christ has said that, a camel can pass through the hole of a needle, but not a rich man. Because the ego is too big, bigger than a camel, bigger than a elephant, any animal you could think of. That’s why now as we are entering into new awareness, let us not worry about our negative thinking.

So, first is the diffidence. “How can I be? I am not all right. I was like this. I was doing like this. I had done like this.” So many letters of confessions come to Me, pages after pages, which I throw away or burn them off.

There is no need to confess any more. There’s only one confession, that “I am a sahaja yogi and now, after twenty-first of Sahastrara, I am a Maha Yogi.” This is the confession you have to make. And no more of these out of date things that people tell Me about your family’s life and all mundane, nonsensical things. We have given them up and we have come to Sahaja Yoga for our ascent. We have achieved our ascent and now for what? For what? Have achieved our ascent is to emancipate human beings, to help them out of the Maya of ignorance, of darkness.

The main target, I feel today, should not be so much political, as fundamentalism. So we have to openly say to these fundamentalists that “You are nonsensical. You don’t know the truth. You don’t know anything about truth. You don’t know that you are the Spirit. You don’t know that there is a power that is working.” You have to tell very clearly, “You are all stupid people running after something that is a mirage and all of you will end up into hell described by all the scriptures.” We have to openly say it, this thing. Whichever way you like, you may write books. You may publish it. You may tell people about it.

But now the new announcement has to come to say that running after falsehood is not going to take you to God. And, in that, they have used the power of hatred. So you have to say that “We believe in the power of love and not in the power of hatred that you believe in”. For us, everybody is capable of finding the Truth and is capable of getting to the heaven of that paradise, which is promised to us, the Kingdom of God.

So, for us, everybody, whether they belong to this community, that community, this race or that race, whatever it is, we believe – not that – but we are sure, that we all are quite capable and blessed by God, that we should enter into His Kingdom.