God does not understand money and banking. He understands seeking and love.
So when it happens to you the transformation takes place that first of all that your fingers get enlightened with these different centers as shown in the picture. You can actually feel your own centres and centres of others on your fingers. So you can find out what’s wrong with your centres and with the others. And this power that is radiating from you can cure your centres. By this awakening you get rid of diseases like cancer and many incurable diseases like diabetes, heart and mental problems.
It is most surprising that so many people have come to me after contacting cancer. Some doctors and even our president of India have been cured of cancer and they are going to have now a regular method of establishing through our government channel to control cancer and other diseases by Sahaja Yoga.
But for this gross work also I think it is not possible that we can pay full attention as we have very few Sahaja Yogis in the West and why should God cure people who are not interested in seeking Him. Of course, He is compassionate but in His compassion He thinks that He can recreate you later on when you have a better body you will seek Him better. For Him nobody dies. He can always recreate new people. So His main interest are the seekers. He’s not bothered what money you have or degrees you have, what dress you wear. He judges you on this point, how much you are seeking Him. How much you are interested in your self evolution. How much you are genuinely, sincerely asking?