The colors are all representing your chakras. These are all the chakras as you know. Every chakra has got different color. So what happens? These colors just get distributed in the air, in the atmosphere. During Holi time you are representing those colors which are completely permeating into the atmosphere. So this is another thing when you play colors. When you color another person, you are just expressing that these, your chakras, will be blessed. Red color is of the Mooladhara. All those colors that you use here are of different chakras. So just you are making the whole expression of your love that let it be you become completely filled with red color, means innocence, means innocence. Because a child in the womb of the mother just sees the red color of the mother, color of the blood.
So like that you see different colors are spread on the face. And green is the color of the guru tattwa. Like that all these colors have got significance that they are the colors of your chakras which you are spreading all over to your friends, to your other brothers and sisters who are Sahaja Yogis. So it has that symbolic expression that you are spreading actually the essence of your chakra, the basis of your chakra, the colors of your chakra, the fragrance of those chakras to other Sahaja Yogis.