The beauty of knowing oneself

November 25, 1996

What Shri Gynadeva has described in His Amruta Anubhav [meaning “Experience of Ambrosia”] is something which you can only really appreciate when you know yourself. For example, He was a master of similes, I must say. And He has tried to convince the so called intellectuals and rationalists through His own great expertness in using similes. One of the similes, there are so many of them, He talks of the Amruta Anubhav is the Experience of the Ambrosia. Experience, again it is the experience, not just talking about it. And this experience, He has described like this, beautifully, that there is a picture, you see, beautiful painting where you see the rain and see the nature and all the beauty that nature can provide. You’re watching it. You’re enjoying it. But you are just seeing it superficially. You have to enter into that rain. You have to enter into that area of beauty. Otherwise we are just superficially doing everything.

He has given so many similes that in this short lecture I may not be able to tell…. he has tried to describe the state we call Sahajavastha means the state of oneness with the divine, can call it Sahaja. Sahaja means one with you, this spontaneity. This state when it you achieve, I should say, not achieve but it happens to you. When you have this experience of Sahajavastha then what happens to you? He says, “Like at the sun. Sun has got its rays and the rays go and play all over but again they go back.” In Marathi …. “They get content in themselves.” In the same way, a person who is a realized soul, he is doing every kind of thing outside but he’s absolutely absorbed inside. Because inside you are so glorious, so beautiful that one has to really rise to that height of Sahajavastha, state of self realization.