Because whatever is missing in one person, you support from the another person. And this support is so natural and spontaneous which flows. If you try to correct others then you are draining out your energy and the energy of another person. Just try to support that person. That’s how it works out. And that’s how it sustains, it’s nourishing. I mean it’s an experiment you can try also, at home. If you put four five trees together when they are in delicate condition they grow better. Why, when we grow our saplings we put them together? Why don’t we put them separate? You see, when we have got a small seed and we have to make them into saplings, we never put them separately we put them together, in a small block. If you put them separately they will never come up. Then they are kept in that condition together, till they grow. When they are grown, then only they are taken from that collective group and put separately. Have you not seen this happening? And this is what is collectivity.
At the delicate point when Sahaj Yoga is coming up, we have to be much more closer together. Later on when you are very powerful it’s all right because you will have greater rapport. But it’s such a vicious circle that at this time when you are weak you are also falling off. And this collectivity is all-embracing.