Strengthening our Kundalini

June 19, 1990

So if you want that this Kundalini that is your own, that is your own mother has to give you all the nourishment and everything, you must learn, first of all, foremost thing, how to surrender to reality.\n\nSo if you learn how to surrender to the Primordial Kundalini, then your Kundalini’s immediately strengthened. It’s like this, supposing you have a stone and you try to put anything on it, it won’t reflect. Then you improve the wood, still nothing will be reflected. Then you paint it, some reflection will come. Then you have the glass. The glass won’t reflect. But if you use some mercury and make it a mirror, it will reflect, but still it may not be the perfect mirror. So this is how the kind of reflector you are, on that depends the kind of reflection you get and the kind of personality you develop.\n\nSo there should be no aim as such to be dissolved into the reality, should be the desire within you. Start dissolving into it. Then one does not have to talk about detachment. One does not have to talk about anything, about any virtues. They automatically come because now you have become the Divine. Once you become the Divine, even your Kundalini becomes absolutely, beautifully, completely reflecting the primordial one.