Signs of being liverish

May 14, 1982

Now liver trouble is another thing that you do not feel yourself, others know that you are liverish the way you are hot tempered, the way you are fussy, the way you always snarl at people and the way you are never satisfied with anything, the way you criticize others, all this is liverish and such liverish people are never happy with themselves because liver looks after your attention and those who have liver problems, their attention is horrid, that goes like this, you see, you cannot keep your attention straight. On the street you’ll walk straight into a car because you are looking at something which you are not supposed to look. But all the time you are looking at like this, you cannot walk, I mean you won’t find any animal like that who walks like this, but only human beings do it. If you see them on the street you’ll be amazed. Where are they walking? They don’t walk straight, they don’t look straight, but their eyes are going this way, that way, because the attention is wobbly, the attention is wobbly because of a bad liver.

So this liver is a very, very important thing. Now, this liver has a special capacity to extract all the poisons from the body as heat, and the heat in the body is to be transformed or should be conveyed to the blood, or the water in the blood, and that has to be taken out of your body maybe as perspiration or in another form. But what happens that when this liver is out of gear it cannot do it, it cannot pass this heat into the blood stream and the heat remains in the body and you really become heated and that heat makes all these problems for you.

So in Sahaja Yoga what happens that when Kundalini rises, She changes the form of the blood. The hydrogen and oxygen which are placed because of this heat and all that in a very funny way, like this, get like that, [Shri Mataji indicates up, then down] and they start receiving this heat within them.

That’s why those people who have bad livers feel little heat when the Kundalini rises. But one can cure it by giving it that peace and comfort to that liver organ, and you can definitely cure your liver, no doubt about it.