As far as the financial side is concerned, you become better off. Is a fact. Because Krishna has said: “Yoga kshema vahamyam” — first yoga, is union, and then the ‘kshema’, is the well-being, because of the Nabhi Chakra being enlightened here. Because you get your satisfaction easier. You get… the whole thing becomes a satiable temperament. And then you start enjoying earning, because you can share. Because you become sensitive to the joy of sharing. Then you like to share than to enjoy yourself. Sahaja Yoga is a union of capitalism and communism. Because, see now, I have, supposing, all the powers, and I cannot enjoy them unless and until I share with you. So I am a capitalist because I’ve all the powers here, and I am the greatest communist because I can’t help sharing it.
Sensitive to the joy of sharing
April 16, 1980