Self-Realization: the Union of your Being with your Attention

October 30, 1978

[A]ll the yogas end up at the Union of your Being with your Attention. For example, you are listening to Me just now and your Attention is inside-out in the sense that you are watching Me outside. – But if I say you that take your Attention from outside and put it inside from where you are listening to Me, can you do it? – You can’t! This Attention goes outside of the Human Beings and that is the problem that we cannot take our Attention inside. That is the reason why our union with our self is not established already. And, it has to be established!

If you realise that there is someone within us who is watching us all the time, who is noticing everything that we do; the one who is inside us and the one which looks outside but we cannot go to that personality or that entity or that Being – there is a gap between us and that personality. That personality is called in the various scriptures as Spirit, as Atma. People have talked about it and told that we have to manifest our Spirit means our Attention should become one with that Spirit. It has been said by every scripture. Everyone of them has talked about us, that once our Attention meets that Spirit that is we are really ourselves, that Self, then we are reborn and that is the Self Realisation.