In the tradition of spirituality, if you go back thousands of years, in the Upanishadas which eight thousands years back written down – before that it was just through the mouth – it is said that in you resides, in you resides the power to get your realization, to get to your Self, and the Self is the one we should achieve. That’s why are on this Earth. That is why if you go to any village in India, not to cities because cities are more sort of westernized, but if you go to a village and ask a villager what does he want in his lifetime, so he will say that, “I want one sat guru” – is a guru who is a real guru – “and who will give me my realization.” In the same tradition Christ came, two thousands years back we can say about. Of course, human beings were very cruel to Him. They didn’t allow Him to live long. In four years whatever was possible, He said all about it. He said, “To understand all this, you have to be born again.” And Nicodemus asked Him, “What do you mean by born again? Am I to enter into the womb of my mother?” He said, “Whatever is born of the flesh, is flesh. But Holy Ghost gives birth to the Spirit.” Now where is this Holy Ghost? It is placed, this one is the Kundalini. I asked a priest, I said, “What do you understand about Holy Ghost?” He said, “I, I, I am agnostic.” I said, “Then what are you doing here?” He said, “I am doing my job.” I mean, I was surprised at him that he didn’t want to know about it. So all these religions, all of them, have put blinkers on our eyes, and we are not supposed to see to the left or to the right.
In Sahaja Yoga when you receive your realization, you realize first thing that all religions are true and they are all related to each other. As Christ has said, “Those who are not against Me are with Me.” Another thing that was said in the Upanishadas was carried on later by Shri Krishna and by Christ and everyone, that you cannot read about it. Very lately, Guru Nanaka has said that by reading these things what is going to go in your head? That is, with mental projection you cannot reach there. With mental projection you can go up to a point where you can understand that this is the signboard, or this is the way you have to get in. But you must have an actualization, the real experience of the Spirit. Unless and until you have that experience you are living with your ego that, “I have read this book. I have read that book,” and all that. We are now today at a point of the same tradition, where there are many flowers on the tree of life. There were one or two flowers before, but today there are thousands. I would say millions.