Seeing for oneself

November 4, 1986

So as the Mother I thought, “Why not make you your own guru?”. How do you do it? Somehow or other, I must develop a method by which I can manage en-masse realisation. Let many people get realisation. Now the kundalini doesn’t rise in its own full force, because the chakras are not clean; there are problems on the chakras, there are blockages — things like that. But there is a wee bit, a small hair like power can rise in some people. Some people can have a bigger flow; some people can have a completete jet coming out. But everybody should have this experience. And as a result of that, the light of the spirit flickers a little bit. In that light you can see your own problems. You can see what is wrong with you because you can feel it on your finger tips, and if you know how to correct them, you become your own guru and you correct yourself, I don’t want to tell you. Because if I tell you, you will all run away. These are not the days to tell anybody to do something. That is the worst thing. So only thing is you get your realisation; get this little light with you and see for your self what is wrong with you and you manage it. This is the only difference and I find this works better. Because human beings in the modern times have accumulated so much of ego on their head, so much beyound their heads. So no use touching it. Best is to raise the kundalini, so that they see their ego. And they say, “Mother, Please remove this thing that has gone on my head, please remove this,” they themselves say. This is what is this modern Sahaja Yoga.