Sahaja Yoga must be worked out on yourself

August 17, 1990

First of all, the Sahaja Yoga must be worked out on yourself. The one who doesn’t feel happy in Sahaja Yoga must know that there’s something wrong. You have to feel joyous and happy. If you don’t feel happy, if you cannot laugh out, then there’s something wrong with you and that should be corrected. First sign of a Sahaja Yogi, that he has glow on his face and that he is always joyous and happy. So, this is one point we have to remember, that we have to be joyous people, happy people. At the same time we should be responsible. For example, what I always hear from the leaders that there are five per cent people who take up responsibilities and all the rest are just there doing nothing. Now it has increased, five to ten per cent has come, now it is coming to twenty per cent, but all of you should, because that’s the only way you can ascend, not by just enjoyment, by calling it a Leela and all that, but by really working out Sahaja Yoga upon yourself and upon other people.