Now Sahaj Yoga has a very big responsibility, which I don’t think people understand. I wish they could listen to Me very intensely and understand it. So far if you see, Gurus remained Gurus and no disciples became Gurus. They were still regarded as disciples of a Guru, whether it was fake or anything. They never became Gurus themselves. So there was no need for them to grow, they had to take the name of their Guru, all right. Christ had His disciples; Mohammad Sahib had His own disciples; Nanak had His own disciples; Shirdi Sai Nath had His own disciples. None of them became Gurus. But now it is in your lot, sorry to say, that you have to become the Gurus. It’s a privilege, actually. It’s a very great privilege to become the Guru. And to become the Guru, we must learn what we have to do. This also sometimes becomes just a lecture. I think so. Because I’ve already told you on Guru Purnima what are the Ten Attainments we have to have.
Today all these sixteen stages are to be seen, how we have to grow into a Guru….
If you have to be the Spirit, then the matter of moon has to be covered with that light. In the first phase we have to master our body. So what do we do to master our body? First of all we must see that “what are the things that drain out our bodily mastery.” We must know all the crooks who try to master us.