But we have to face that hubhub all the time. So when you can retain it in that hubhub then you should know that we are definitely something. Otherwise like a ship which is standing …in the dry docks and the people are repairing it. So it…it may look very nice and perfectly alright but once it faces the sea then only you will know whether it is correct or not. In the same way everyone of us have to go back into the same hubhub and we have to face the same life and the same thing to find out how far we are in Sahaja Yoga. Are we really there or not? Have we really achieved something or not? Because here nature helps you. You are so much secluded and you reach a certain ascent. But if the property is completely built in you then where ever you are you can see that, very clearly. You can feel that inside outside all the time, wherever you may be. But this is a very good idea to come here to build up yourself and then go and face them. Again come here and build up yourself and go and face the world. After some time you will become like temples. Those who will come in your company will feel it. They will seek your company for comfort.
Real life is the ultimate test
October 14, 1978