It is very surprising that Sahaja Yoga has been predicted about fourteen thousand years back by the greatest originator of Indian horoscope method, called Vrigumuni. And about 300 years back a gentleman called Vagandar who tried to bring it up-to-date, predicted that according to this Nadi Granth, this should start in 1970. And we started Sahaja Yoga in 1970. But the most interesting thing he has said that if people take to Sahaja Yoga, there will be no need to have any hospitals or any doctors. Kundalini is not a new name, for Indians. And it has been described in the same prediction that the Kundalini will raise spontaneously, Sahaja.
There are many people who have predicted about this happening, specially a great seer called William Blake from England, about hundred years back. He has been extremely precise. He even said about the house where the first ashram will start, the exact place. Even My houses, two houses, He described exactly, exact spots. He calls the seekers as “men of God”. And He says, “Men of God will become prophets and these prophets will have power to make others prophets”. That is exactly what is happening now. Those Sahaja Yogis who have got realization, can make others realized and can make prophets. And that is how Sahaja Yoga is spreading so fast all over the world in a proper way.