No need for fear or malice

June 21, 1992

There’s a saying in Sanskrit ‘Vinaasha kale vipreet buddhi’ means, ‘Their destruction will start by their own stupid methods.’ [Those who will try to destroy you] will become stupid. And at every stage, you’ll see they are becoming stupid and by their stupidity they are destroying themselves, you don’t have to worry about that part. So that’s why you don’t need any destructive powers. It will all be done by this All-pervading Divine power.

So that part you have to give up. You just forgive that person. As soon as you forgive, the responsibility from you shifts and then Kundalini rises. You don’t have to carry any malice, anything against him but just laugh because they are blind, because they are stupid, they are foolish.

What do we do if you see an idiot. We may not laugh in his presence but we do, isn’t it, at his back because he’s an idiot. So they become idiotic and you see them becoming idiotic and then you just start, you see that’s the humour of Sahaja Yoga. You have to have some humour also isn’t it? And then you start seeing these jokers, you see, behaving in that manner and the whole circus they do is nothing but jocular.

So there’s nothing to have any fear from any human being; same about organizations or anything. Naturally you have to know one thing: that as you are Realized souls, you have seen the truth, you are in the light so they are going to oppose you, they are going to oppose you. They did this, isn’t it, to others; everybody suffered so much. But now no more sufferings to you, only thing you can enjoy the humor. Just understand this point, that nothing will destroy you, no one can touch you but they are there just to supply some humor for you. If you take such a light attitude towards them, all this fear and left side will go away. What are these baddhas, and what are these bhoots, and what are these tantrikas? Nothing. You are so powerful. Just with one glance you can see them dancing on their heads, the other way round. As long as you’ll have fear Kundalini won’t rise because She doesn’t rise for people who are cowards. Cowardice She is not going to support. If you are a coward She said, “All right”. You are walking on the street, normally people are afraid if there’s darkness, afraid that somebody might attack, but a Sahaja Yogi does not, if he’s a real Sahaja Yogi, because he knows there are ganas and there are angels around him. No one can touch him, and the one who will try, these ganas will make such a fool out of that person that you’ll have a nice chance to laugh at him. Now you watch and see. So this left side or this fear should go. Once this fear will go all your slyness, all your intrigues, all your jealousies will just disappear. That’s how the Kundalini will rise very well.