Meaning of ‘Vishuddi’

June 1, 1985

As I say that Canada is the left side of the Vishuddi and also left- or the right, we can say, because all the minerals, all the earthly qualities of Canada are exploited by America. So whatever is their own, is like taking out of your flesh and eating it up, and feeling full. All kinds of aggressive qualities of the right side are done. Now to bring them to proper level, nature itself acts, whenever they try these activities, nature acts against them. Politics acts against them. Economics acts against them. But they don’t realize that there is something basically wrong in what they are doing. We must go along our nature as we are. So we are the people of America who represent the quality of Vishuddi chakra. Vi-shudda. ‘Shudda’ is purity. ‘Vi-shudda’ means “absolutely enlightened with purity”. So this makes you smile at the whole thing absolutely – vishudda. Vishudda means absolutely clear, enlightened by knowledge, absolutely clean. So now you will understand what I am saying that is all anti-God activities we are doing here.

And these things are taken over by the whole world, because it is Virat also. People try to accept what good or bad America is doing. When America was good, people like Abraham Lincoln were here. They accepted democracy, Virat; it’s a Virat, people of the people, the government of the people, by the people, for the people. It’s the idea of Virat which was accepted.

But anti-Virat activity is that we are very individualistic. So much so that every bathroom different, every car different, every door different, you don’t know how to handle things, very individualistic and very grossly individualistic now. So one has to understand that for Vishuddi chakra there are sixteen petals: the eye, the nose, the tongue – which is very important – tongue is the most important thing- the ears, throat, all these are governed by Vishuddi chakra. In every country, people do something wrong against the Vishuddi chakra. But the maximum is in America and Canada. They are selling all the time, digging out from the Mother Earth to this America, accepting the aggression of America on them is wrong! And when America is doing to them is also wrong, both things are wrong.