So that kind of personality gradually you can develop with Sahaja Yoga, that you will develop that wisdom how far to go, how far not to go. Not to go is the quality of Shiva. He doesn’t do anything, He is just sitting down there and watching the whole joke. He doesn’t do anything, but He’s the one who has to watch: if He doesn’t watch, then the whole show is over. If you understand that in not doing anything, how much He’s doing. See the contrast: He’s doing nothing as such. But He’s making everybody dance, to please Him. In the same way in one shot you have both the natures, as sahaja yogis you can achieve that kind of a balanced personality. It is for your good, for your evolution, for your development. So today all of you have a great chance of evolving individually within yourself with Shiva tattwa, which ultimately permeates into the whole. Kabira has said it in a beautiful couplet, I don’t know if you people have understood: (Hindi)
The compassion of my heart I will vibrate,
I will bring it out; and put it into the five elements.
See Kabira, do you follow him how great he is? People talk of Kabirdas, see, he says that take it out of the heart and put it into all the five elements. This is what is Sahaja Yoga. If you understand that, then you don’t have to understand anything else. You have got it in your heart. Become the capitalist in your heart, and become a communist outside. If you can achieve this balance properly, you have done it, and we can do it, we all of us put together we will do it, we can achieve it and we can show to the world that everyone can achieve it.