The problem with Sahaja Yogis sometimes is that they don’t know the importance of what they are, they are not aware. If their ego was correct, in that ahamkara, ego, the essence of it is ‘ahambhava’, is that, “I am a Sahaja Yogi.” “I am a Sahaja Yogi.” Now keep the point of honesty with it. “Honestly, I’m a Sahaja Yogi and I’m a follower of a religion, which is a universal religion, which is innately built myself. There’s no hanky panky about it. Is my experience, and I believe in it fully, and is innately within myself.” This is the ahambhava. I don’t know what is it in the English language, is could be ‘I-ness’, ‘I-ness’.
Then, “I am on this earth now, this life is for the work of God. And for that I have to be a pure person, because I belong to Vishwa Nirmala Dharma. I have to be pure, I have to achieve my purity through meditation through every way watching myself. I have to be a pure person. And if I am a Sahaja Yogi, if I am united with that All-pervading Power of Love, I should be the medium to give that love to others, and compassion. I have no time for other things. Other things are of no value. My attention has to be pure. My life has to be pure.”