Horizontal layers versus vertical channels

June 22, 1984

Now the roots within us, if you can see this (chakra chart), are placed in this manner. When I went to America the Union Society invited me to talk to them about the unconscious. I had never read Jung, though I knew he was a realised-soul, at least he got his realisation at the later time. So I said, “Alright let me have one book, let me see what is he saying about.” And as I opened the book I saw a diagram, what he had drawn of a human being and I said, “That’s the mistake.” Because he saw human beings from outside and he described them in layers. Like first he said is the unconscious that cannot be expressed, manifested, then the unconscious that can be manifested, then he said above that is the sub-conscious. And then he said above that is the conscious mind. Then above that is the ego. Like layers, one after another.

Now when you are sitting here, though you are in layers, the path is laid down vertically (the path between the chairs in the hall). In the same way within us, God being the greatest organiser, He has not made us into layers but what he has made us [is] in a parallel way, as you can see there very clearly – left side and right side. Left side and right side [and] the central path. Three paths He has made within us for our evolutionary process. The central path works out our evolution. The left side gives us the desire and the right side gives us the power of action.