Genuine dedication and commitment

January 11, 1987

So for Sahaja Yoga, we have to put ourselves onto a point, what did I do, what did I sacrifice for Sahaja Yoga? If only for my own child, may be for my wife, or myself, or for my job or something, what is our commitment? Without commitment purity cannot come. It will go up and down like yo-yo. We are committed to Sahaja Yoga, but if there are even five people who were really, fully committed to Sahaja Yoga, but problem is everybody shares with each other this kind of non-committed behaviour, which is not good. Committed means even if you have to give your life, you should do it. Even if you have to give up everything, you should do it. But all other considerations are taken that everything should work out, there should be enjoyment all the time, that you must get your jobs, you must get your wife, you must get everything, children properly done, everything should be done by Sahaja Yoga. When this commitment starts, I am sure Sahaja Yoga will spread quickly. Even with falsehood when people are committed like you see in all the religions, in every religion they were committed and look how much it has spread. Of course Sahaja Yoga is a blessing, blissful, and blesses you all the time. it gives you a very long rope to hang yourself. Sometimes one must know the blessing of that kind also.

So one has to be very very alert that God has chosen us for a very special work and we have to be fully committed to Sahaja Yoga.

All those who are wise will take this to understand that life is only to work this out otherwise it is useless, is good for nothing and has no meaning. This has to come first from the leaders and then from others’ complete commitment to Sahaja Yoga. It doesn’t mean that you to give up anything. For me you don’t have to do it but for your own sake, for your own betterment, you have to do it. I hope next time when you come to India you will be coming better prepared for commitments.

It is not only money, is not only your talking about it and writing about it, but it is through your own being it should have it, you all should have become the source of energy that I want to emit all over the world – that light which is going to be enlightened no doubt. The artificially is not going to work it out, but complete genuineness within.