Faulty origins of Roman Catholic Church

September 15, 1992

I will tell you about Christianity. Christianity, when Christ died, this fellow Mr. Paul, who was a Roman executive, or bureaucrat, working with the government. So, he thought that all the blame of the death of Christ will fall upon the Roman government. So first thing He said, that Christ was killed by Jews, so condemn them. Poor things, for years together, these Jews were condemned, and every action has a reaction: because they were condemned, so now they have become aggressive. Then this Paul thought that this is a very good platform, he can jump on it. And he found this fellow whose name was Peter, who was the weakest disciple of Christ. Christ had said that the Satan will take you over. Had said it. In the Bible it is. So he got hold of this fellow, Peter, and both have joined hands, and they re-edited Bible. Despite that there are lots of truths there left, but they re-edited, and in that, He said that Christ said that Peter will establish a church, and I give him the key. It’s impossible.\n\nSee now, we have so many Sahaja Yogis. Among them, the one who is the weakest, good for nothing, for whom I say that Satan will take over, do you think he will be appointed as the head? Not possible! That’s how this horrible Roman Catholic church started.