So many of our problems will be solved if we face them and correct them boldly. It’s possible for Sahaja Yogis because you are separated from your being; you’re away from it. You can see your body, you can see your mind, you can see your ego, you can see all of those things and you know how to put them right. You are not that, you know, so you are the Spirit and with the light of the Spirit you can correct all these things. But this guilt is something where it stops you completely from correcting or doing anything better about it or bringing any constructive thing to your own mind.
This will solve many problems for America, as well as for all the Western world. Same with the Indians, that they should not think that if they are generous a little bit they can get rid of their mistakes, you see, they have to face it. It’s a different style, Indians are very clever, you know, they know how to find excuses and escapes.
But, after all, it is Vishnumaya. She will show you that there is no escape, just face it. There’s no need to condemn yourself, no need to, in any way, degrade yourself or to feel inferior, but to be superior as the spirit, “Oh, I see, I watch.” Like I would say, “All right, Nirmala, I see you very well now, ah you did this.”
Separate yourself from yourself. You can talk on the mirror. You can go to the river and talk there or you can go to an ocean and tell them that: “See, I’ve done this mistake and now I’m not going to do it.” You can make promises to all of these elements.
Once you make these promises, this Vishnumaya will receive the message and She won’t enter into any one of these elements to disturb you.