Dissolving into the Atma Tattwa

February 24, 1988

Sahaja Yoga is a cycle by which the Kundalini awakens and touches our Atma Tattwa. At that time the light of Shiva Tattwa spreads in us. When the Kundalini comes in the Bramarandra (the opening at the crown of the head) and pierces it, at that time the Atma Tattwa’s place is at the feet of Sada Shiva, on our Brahmarandra. This is the place that is made for it but its reflection is in our heart. Just as a thing is situated in one place but its reflection is in our heart. In this way when the Atma touches us at that time, its light spreads in our heart.

He whose heart is small, whose heart is not fully surrendered, in whose heart there are doubts, in such water the reflection of the Atma cannot be attained and however much light we put there it is of no use. And that is why we keep our hand on our hearts and say: “Mother I am the Spirit”. But only by just saying I am the Spirit or by saying the same mantra you have not entered the Atma Tattwa. There is only one way, that we should become one with the Atma Tattwa. Become one with it. Just like when we put salt in the sea-water it gets dissolved in it completely, in this way you should be dissolved in this infinite ocean, and concentration should come in us. At first all these things will be in that Samadhi (meditative) state, when man would achieve the state of the Brahmarandra by closing the eyes. But the speciality of Sahaja Yoga which is a very beautiful experiment and which is a strange method of Parameshwari Shakti, with the help of this, man, without going into the Samadhi state achieves this tattwa of experiencing this Brahmarandra tattwa within himself. In seeing this we find that we have achieved a dream, or in a dream we have achieved it. This bliss is beyond explanation.