Developing faith

April 11, 1993

Now, the difference between us and Christ is that faith was part and parcel of His being. It was not that He had to have faith. He was faith. Now we have to have it. We have to believe in ourselves.

There’s so many incidents I can give you, which you can tell me, so many incidents where just the faith has helped. If you were in Romania, I think it happened, one lady came on the stage. She couldn’t walk. They had to bring her on a wheelchair and she said, “Mother, I know You can cure me. Nobody can cure me. I know you can cure me.” She said it three times. I said, “So, you believe that I will cure you.” “Yes.” I said, “Then get up.” She just got up, walked out. And then she started running all the way and everybody started laughing. They said, “Mother, she’s not a Sahaja Yogini.” I said, “See her faith.” Because when there is faith all the deities take it up. They’re challenged. They have to do it. They have shown faith in that person. As I’ve told you always, in Sahaja Yoga we trust people. We trust. One among hundred might be deceive us. Doesn’t matter. We trust. That faith you put in that person works in his mind also, that they have put so much faith in me. But what about deities? You show faith in them, they work. Immediately they work out. Like Guido told me that “Mother, that they said there will be heavy rains for these two days.” I said, “All right. Don’t worry.” Where is the rain? It disappeared. You can control anything if your faith is under control. And when we talk of faith, you know, is the challenge to this all-pervading power which organizes, which knows everything, which is so intelligent, efficient. Above all, it loves you. And then you show faith.

The resurrection in Sahaja Yoga is that your faith is solid. This you have to achieve. Solid faith. They don’t feel then bad. Supposing I may not meet them. Supposing I may say, “All right, come this time I may not be with them. Nothing matters, you see, whether Mother meets us or not, whether this thing happens or not. Everything is for our good, for our benevolence. Suppose you are lost on the way, know that it has to be that way.