Depth achieved by setting boundaries

July 13, 1979

[Y]our attention should have that gravity. Your attention is very important. A person who is easily disturbed is not a deep person. Or easily taken to something, like say emotions. Or easily to some other, say, intellectual pursuit.\n\nAs gurus there will be temptations for you. People will be challenging your state. A person comes out with a very big intellectual ‘truth’ or something, then immediately you feel challenged about it and you will say, “All right let me handle the situation.” Handle it at the Sahaja Yoga point, on your gravity. Just sit down on your gravity and see for yourself. Immediately you will know how to handle the situation. You need not talk to that person, you’ll handle the situation all right: not on [the] intellectual level but on your gravity.

If the attention has the gravity, it pulls down the ego and the superego of other people.

Then you will not be frustrated or frantic. Also if you can start from the outside it may work out with human beings; it works out like that. Like study your behaviour how you behave towards others. Or study your attention how it behaves towards outside: what attracts your attention, what attracts your attention. Study your attention. By that study you will be able to fix your attention in its maryada, in its boundaries.

Once you put the boundaries to the attention then the depth starts developing. The person who has no boundaries can never have depth, he will be spreading just like that, always; no depth at all. So you have to put boundaries by understanding your attention, that, “No not more than that.” “All right not more than that.”

Like some people in Sahaja Yoga I have seen, they get interested in a patient, then for them that patient becomes important. Or get interested in some person that he must get Realisation: “my mother,” “my father,” “my, my” . And all the time they are talking about it: “my jobs,” “my clothes,” some sort of a ‘my’. And they don’t know how to draw the line. You must know where to draw the line, is maryadas. Otherwise the whole thing will fritter away. You will become a frivolous person. There won’t be any gravity in you. So you must know how far to go with a person when you are dealing as a guru, then you are a master. But if you do not know where to draw the line, you may be crossing the line and getting into his clutches.

So the best way to handle the situation is to get into thoughtless awareness, again and again and again and again, and you establish that clearly.