Dedication is a very great, rewarding effort. Nothing can be more rewarding than dedication. It’s so [much a] joy-giving and peace-giving and satisfying effort or work you can call it. When it comes from the heart, with love, when you try to do something, it works out beautifully, and it shows its aesthetics, expresses. And anyone who sees that can see that it is done out of dedication.
Example of dedication is Ajanta and Ellora Caves. These were the people who were worshippers of Buddha. Of course they were not realised-souls as you are. They were just worshippers of Buddha and they wanted to have their moksha, nirvana — or what you have got already. But they worked in that cave with such attention and such love that, even when they were not in yoga, when they were not in union with God, they were so much blessed that in those dark caves, where we cannot see with our normal eyes — we can’t even see those things with ordinary lights: you have to use very strong lights to see that — in those days it worked out, in those dark caves, such beautiful murals, paintings, reliefs, statues, every sort of thing, that it is surprising how they could do it. When we walk in, we have to use very strong lights and because of these strong lights, that is fading now. But we can see the dedication that they had to God — they did not believe in God, but to Lord Buddha — so that they can get their moksha, their Self-realisation. Maybe, so many of them are born again today to get their realisation. And they might be some of the Sahaja yogis that we are meeting in Maharashtra: those who worked for Lord Buddha to express their love and dedication for him.
So dedication takes away all the vestige interests: like how much money we are going to get, what is our certificate, whether it’s going to be used in the worldwide range or not. All these things are finished off. You just do it for doing’s sake, and you don’t feel at all, at all, any pinch or any, what you can call the, screwing up of your energies. But you just float into it. This is what dedication is. And this dedication comes when you realise that you are a Spirit.