Om is a word that people don’t understand because it is at the very beginning of this creation that the energy of God, energy of His Love separated from His identity. He pushed Her, called it as Lasik, He pushed Her to create and He became the spectator and She had to create. At that time when She was pushed (we don’t have here something to show you how it worked), but when He tried to push Her, Her movement went into a kind of a word which is written as “A” “U” and “MA” (Shri Mataji draws the ,symbol for Om). So there are three words in it. At the time of that pushing when the separation took place, there was a sound, the first sound and that sound is called as Om. So many people call it as logos, but to understand it you have to go deeper into it, what is involved. So Her power got divided into three – A, U and Ma – and that’s how She became Om. So Om is the sound which is emitted when she creates, which acts as the basis of the essence of Her Love. Then how She started creating is a very long story which I won’t be able to tell you today, but this Om is the one that She first used to create the innocence on this Earth.
So this Om was the innocence with which She filled the whole universe. Om is nothing but the innocence that you see in children, in so many people, in saints and in most of the incarnations. They are empowered by their innocence and this innocence first filled the whole space. Even before creating the space the innocence was there. That was the first creation of element and that was the innocence.
So Om is innocence which does all the living work on this Earth.