Climate’s effect on personality

January 10, 1988

[T]he people who live in warm countries are sweeter people than the people who live in colder places, because the nature is rather very unkind to them. I don’t blame them for their temperament, because the nature is so unkind. In India you can live anywhere: you can live under a tree, you can live in a forest, anywhere you can live quite happily, as long as there is water to drink and water to bathe. And there’s not such a problem as we have to face in the other parts of the world, where if you have to go out of the house you take about fifteen, twenty minutes to dress yourself up. Here you just can walk out of the house, you can keep your houses open during the summer-time, and there’s no problem of any kind as far as the nature is concerned. Nature becomes very kind during summer-time here because the trees are lush and lot of greenery, people feel very happy during that time, and all the activity becomes more with the sun’s energy.

But in the West as you have seen that the sun is much less. Because of that, people keep more to their houses, to artificial heating or other heatings, and the doors are closed, the hearts are closed, and it’s difficult for them to communicate with other people. As you go down south more in your countries also, you’ll find people are warmer, simpler, very hospitable. With the sun you get the heart which is very open heart, and a kind of a inviting heart. Now if you see on the Sahaja Yoga style, the sun line is the right side and the moon, moon is the left side. On the moon line one can desire but cannot act. Apart from that, on the moon line if you go too far it can be destructive. Because if you sit in the house doing nothing – and also these days there’s unemployment, say for example, no work – then you start thinking too much, and this thinking is just the desire energy working out, no action. And without the action this energy can become very destructive. That is why we find that people, they say that “empty mind, empty mind is the devil’s workshop.” Where people have, do not act, when the action doesn’t take place, then it can be quite destructive ….