Clearing the left Vishhuddhi

March 5, 1983

Now, this left Vishuddhi comes to you if you have said mantras wrongly. You see, the mantras are to be said only when there is a realised soul who knows what mantras are to be said. And if you do not know about it, you accept the mantras. Anybody who tells you, “Say this mantra”, you just start saying it, without understanding, whether it is given by an authority or not. Also you don’t know whether it is meant for you or not. Maybe it is not required for some. Any particular mantra may not be required. And some of the mantras are absolutely absurd things. So mantras also, it’s a very big science. And just now I am feeling the left Vishuddhi. Also one feels it, even if you have not taken mantras, if you have been feeling guilty. Like, you see, if you are used to confessions and things like that, if you are used to a situation where you feel that “I’m guilty for this”. You know, the norms of today’s modern life are so funny, that even for small thing you have to feel guilty. For example if you put the fork in a wrong way, you feel guilty: “Oh God, I should not have done this.” Like that, the life is so complicated, but very, very small things can also make you feel guilty. So if you are feeling guilty also you feel this centre very much.

Now, this centre is very important, because if this centre is not all right, then Kundalini doesn’t rise. She pulls this, at this point. Half of it is pulled out. And there is a blockage. And so Kundalini does not rise. Now, one should not feel guilty about anything, whatsoever! There is nothing to feel guilty or to going for confessions and all the time saying, “I am such a sinner” and I should not have done this and I should not have done that. Because, as I told you yesterday, God is the ocean of love, He is the ocean of compassion and He is the ocean of forgiveness. So we should not unnecessarily condemn ourselves. Moreover you are the temple of God. And if you condemn yourself like that, that “I’m good for nothing, I am useless”, then you are condemning that temple which is created by God. You have not created yourself. So you have no right to condemn yourself. Now little mistakes if you have done doesn’t matter. Because I am talking of the ocean. So little mistakes here and there can always be corrected. So one should not feel guilty.