Beyond the limited brain

March 4, 1983

In reality whatever you are, you are the highest. You are the highest epitome of all The Creation. Even the thing that comes out of the Mother Earth cannot do the work that you can do! It cannot raise the Kundalini, it cannot cure; maybe a little bit of effects might be there, but it won’t work out with that force with that manoeuvring. I mean you are like a very advanced machinery of God’s work: very advanced, extremely sharp, and extremely effective. But the problem is this brain of yours when it comes in between — which is nothing compared to that big brain.

Your brain is nothing, but like a little mosquito it comes up and comes here and then says, “Oh, this, this, this, this, this!” and then the problems start. But if you really start using His power with in you, God has made you as the best instrument that you could think of. And as you start using your instrument with that wisdom, and surrender on humility, gradually it evolves more and more and more, and you start developing more sensitive sides; or we can say evolving a new method in this and getting a better and better understanding of the working of Sahaj Yog.

So, it is important that first of all you must decide to stop the brain working too much and say that, “Mother you be in our brain!”