Beyond cause and effect

March 17, 1985

Now this purifying fire within you or the purifying force within you or the power within you goes and first of all enlightens our attention which is in this part as you see the green part – this is the attention is. But the movement of attention then starts moving in all directions. Now when your attention is enlightened what we call we become collectively conscious. But still how do you go beyond cause and effect is the point? Now, this Kundalini being pure no cause can be attached to it – no cause, whatsoever. So, if you can enter into the Kundalini on the principle of it no cause can get attached to it. That’s how you go beyond cause and effect. But how do you enter into the Kundalini, that’s the main point? Main problem is how do we enter into the Kundalini? Supposing you are paying attention to Me and I say pay attention to yourself, you cannot.

Even if Kundalini rises your attention is attracted inside still you cannot pay attention inside. So how do you pay attention inside is through this enlightened attention. This attention which is enlightened has a power to take your attention inside to the Kundalini and that’s how you enter into the realm which is detached – that’s like a fortress. Nobody can enter in there. So, when you’re in thoughtless awareness, when you’re not thinking, you are in your fortress no body can jump at you, nobody can trouble you – all the causes drop off. That is why it is necessary first to practice to be in that thoughtless awareness through the practice of sahaja yoga to begin with so that you learn how to enter into that state – how to enter into that state. But first and foremost thing is that your Kundalini must be awakened, then it must be allowed to move properly – you must co-operate, you must know how to do it and raise it so that you keep it at least if not above, at least in the brain. But best thing is if it comes out then you have no tensions, no worries because everything that you have passes into your attention, attention touches the Kundalini because you are a realized soul and leaves it in the force of the Kundalini, in the current of Kundalini and this current takes away everything that is out and that’s how you are cleared away. This is a very, very simple way of explaining how you go beyond cause and effect.