Becoming the Collective Being

November 10, 1980

The progress in Sahaj Yoga is only possible when your attention is on the Spirit. How do you nourish it? That’s another point. The only solution is collectivity. A person who is not collectively nourished cannot grow. He cannot grow whatever he may try. These are the two very important points of Sahaj Yoga and one has to understand [that] this collectivity is to be grown within you. But what do you become? Actually what do you become after your growth? You become a collective being. So you have to nourish yourself in collectivity. People just don’t understand this simple point that you have to become the Collective Being. And that nourishment, if it is not growing into you, then you are not a Sahaj Yogi at all. You are just having the trip of your ego or your super-ego. And this is very important. By saying you are brothers and sisters and this and that it’s not possible, I know that. It’s wrong. It’s another game.