Now, if there’s a poet who will sit here, he’ll watch the beautiful things what God has given and he’ll sing the praise of God. But if there is a modern poet, then he will curse God; his mind will find out some fault somewhere. Modern mind is very good at finding faults, so the sensitivity to appreciation is very dull. On the whole, the sensitivity is less for joy. If the sensitivity is low for joy, then they have to take injections to feel the joy. So they have to use the music, which is very jarring. Should be absolutely shaking the nerves; otherwise they are very sensitive to noise. It’s difficult to deal with this modern mind because it cannot imbibe the beauty of joy within itself, while the God Almighty is the source of joy. When you see this beautiful nature and the sun playing around with it, you just become thoughtless, and you just get lost into the eternity.
But in the modern times the philosophy has taken place by economics. So we want to see what is the economic value of everything. In that then we try to develop it in such a way that it is appealing more to the economic value, and that is why the modern man cannot see the beauty, which is beyond economics. He runs from places to places thinking that it has more economic value, but that value cannot give you joy. Up to the point that when it comes to art also people make it an economic value. They will buy a painting because it can be resold. They’ll put a money in a jewelry which can be resold. The whole thing you can see so clearly that even the gold and silver has got a brand.
Everything is branded, standardized. So I was surprised that in India every house will have some silver, but here the silver has to be some brand, which only very few can buy. Same with the gems, same with gold, everything is branded. But these are very cunning tricks. By too much advertising and too much conditioning they can have a name, some stupid name, has no meaning. And then they can sell it under that name, whatever they want.