Avoiding plastic

June 7, 1982

But just see you are spiritual. You will find it impossible to use plastics after some time, because you will know that the plastics give you horrid vibrations. After some time you will really find it repulsive. It’s all right to sit in a train for a while on a plastic coach, all right, but, to sit in your house on a plastic all the time would be horrible and to wear a plastic coat all the time, our body will refuse. So when people will be spiritually awakened, they’ll give up all these nonsensical things.

So, they may say then, “What will happen to the machines?” Now, machines are for us; we are not for the machines. This is another concept is: whatever is created is for us and we are not for that. All right, doesn’t matter. Nothing will go wrong with the machines. Machines should be used for anything that is a public work. Like for your motor cars, for your trains, trams, all public work which is outside. For houses at the most you can use machines.

But, for personal things, you must use handmade things, handmade things. For spiritual people, you like to wear something that is handmade or real. I can’t wear a nylon sari. Not that I am very fussy about things, but I just can’t wear. After some time, if I do not take out My socks, which are only nylon, what to do? My vibrations get jammed, completely. So, you won’t be able to wear next to your skin, near your skin, near your body, eating your food, everything in plastics, cooking in plastics. I mean it’s too much. Thank God, cooking I don’t think is possible, isn’t it? But aluminium is another thing. Is very bad. Aluminium – you won’t be able to use. You’ll either try copper or brass, I think so. Now, handmade things we may have, because they are made by hand, so they have vibrations. People would like to have handmade. It is a part, so by that we remove the disparity of the world.