Advice on raising children

December 5, 1980

Respect, respect is the thing; we do not respect our possessions we just indulge in them. Do we respect? We throw our cloths here and there. That’s why the children are born when they grow up they have no discipline; they throw all their cloths here untidiness then you shout at them. Another habit the children must form is to get up early in the morning. The parents must get up in the morning; give them bath; get them ready; give them tea. If the children do not do that, it is because of the parents do not discipline them. And also the parents must be ideal about it. If the parents do not have that, then the children are not going to. So the whole responsibility of spoiling the children resides with the parents and no one else. Even Sahaja Yogis should not spoil the children. I can spoil because I am the Grandma. You must take your responsibility. I did not spoil My children. You have to tell your children ’til they are sixteen years of age. Everything that is good, righteous, how to behave and how to live you have to tell. Otherwise they become vagabonds and they, you see, they take the whole thing upon themselves. They think, oh we can do what ever they want, “What’s wrong”, “What’s wrong”. If they say, “What’s wrong” don’t give them money. Don’t spoil them. Make them starve one night; they will be all right next day.