Ability to enjoy everything

April 7, 1994

So the greatest advantage of Sahaja Yoga is that you can enjoy everything. That is the greatest advantage, whether it is art, architecture, music, or a lecture, or studies, education, family life, everything you should be able to enjoy fully. Then you are a real Sahaja yogi and that you have achieved that state. Sometimes there are problems, here and there, something happens, doesn’t matter. Have faith, and you will be surprised at the miracles that you get. One after another, so many miracles, but listen to Me and also try to follow what I say.

First of all, no temper. Temper if you have, you must know that it’s a serious thing in the West because there’s no controlling power over temper, and schizophrenia is the only ultimate result of temper. So temper should not be justified. All ego, temper should be brought down. One should not try in any way to get angry with others because of jealousy, because of complexes, because of anything. If it is so, please introspect, “Why do I get into tempers?” Shri Krishna has placed temper as the worst disease of all, He said from there it rises everything. But I don’t agree with Him because, you see, it must be, He was, for Him it’s a leela, the whole world is a leela, but not for everyone. Temper can come from Mooladhara, can come from Swadishtana, can come from anywhere. So one cannot say that the source of temper is going to be the source of all the problems, can be from anything. One can really get destroyed by anything, but temper is one thing that is the worst of all.

So, if you find anybody who is hot tempered, if you find yourself to be hot tempered, then please see to it that you overcome it. I used to tell before, I don’t know now, there must be My tapes that if you are very angry, then stand before the mirror and say all kinds of things. Or else you take a pillow and hit it hard when you are in temper. Close the door, hit the pillow and then go out. You may have to spend for another pillow, doesn’t matter. So you develop a very, I should say, a pleasing personality. That’s very important. You must have a very pleasing personality. But that is not acceptable in certain countries because it’s said that you should not show your, any pleasing personality, because others will think you are weak. The strength is your joy. Strength is your virtue, strength is your pleasing personality. That is your strength. And this artificially, some people say that if you become very pleasing and this and that, then others will think you are weak. If they think, let them think like that. That is their stupidity. So you should be happy, joyous, pleasing.