A sweet temperament can be learned from children

August 10, 2003

First of all we need to have a childlike temperament. Now if we say to somebody that you should become childlike, it is a very difficult thing to do. We cannot just leave whatever we are and become childlike. But living with children, having respect for them, listening to how they talk, can make a big difference and we change all the things within us.

So first of all we have to know that within us, as we grew up, a lot of bad things have gone in. How should we remove those bad things? What are the kinds of bad things that have gotten into us? If we think about it and put attention on it, then we can correct it. We have to put attention on things like, when we talk to somebody aggressively, or we want to scold someone or we keep thinking about how to correct somebody else. When our attention goes on other people then we get removed from our own self, because we have to ourselves be all right. That is why it is no use thinking about other people. So, first of all we should look at ourselves only, we should see ourselves. But all of that is happening, I have told about it and it is happening in Sahaja Yogis, because inside the kundalini awakens and shows all the paths.